The famous singer initially tried to convert the Tibetian Spiritual leader to vegetarianism, insisting that it was “wrong” to eat meat.
In his tirade, McCartney wrote to The Dalai Lama to highlight that meat eaters create suffering for animals, and that this fact contradicted a basic tenant of Buddhism that its followers should “not cause suffering to any sentient beings”.
When the Dalai Lama explained that he had been told by doctors to eat meat for health reasons, this wasn’t enough for the passionate superstar.
"I found out he was not a vegetarian, so I wrote to him saying 'Forgive me for pointing this out, but if you eat animals then there is some suffering somewhere along the line'.” He told prospect magazine.
"He replied saying that his doctors had told him he needed it, so I wrote back saying they were wrong."
The high profile champion of the vegetarian cause has not made his invective exclusive to his holiness; he recently labeled celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay “stupid” for making disparaging comments about the vegetarian cause.
Entertainment Editor Jesse Perez: So we have got Macca attacking the Dalai Lama, and Ringo Starr refusing to respond to fan mail, and abusing fans.
Is it just me, or are the remaining Beatles turning into a bunch of dicks?
Source: livenews.com.au